

Atreus Accountants understands that running a successful eCommerce business is not only exciting but also comes with its challenges, especially when it comes to handling finances.

Many online sellers find it tough to keep track of sales across different channels, manage VAT, and ensure their taxes are properly filed, which can be overwhelming.

While many turn to traditional accountants for assistance, these services often do not cater specifically to the needs of eCommerce sellers. That’s where we step in. As specialized eCommerce accountants, we are dedicated to being your financial support team. We recognize the specific obstacles that online businesses face and are fluent in the language of eCommerce. Our team is well-versed in the major eCommerce platforms such as Amazon, Etsy, Shopify, and eBay, along with the best accounting software solutions that work seamlessly with each platform.


How we helped our client…

Our cient came to us around 3 and a half years ago, trading on Amazon. After having a dissatisfactory service from their previous accountant they came to us with their accounts being in a mess.

With a calm and collected approach we reviewed where the business was at and what we felt was needed and what we could fix to get things back in order. 

We got their VAT back on track, ensuring they were claiming everything that they could and ensuring that the day to day business workings were reflected in the bookkeeping and annual accounts. So they could have a live day to day overview of where the business was at. 

Advice that takes your business to the next level

Get in touch to discuss how we can help you and your business