

The hospitality industry in the UK offers a wide variety of business opportunities, but it can also be quite challenging due to increasing costs and changing consumer spending habits, especially in casual dining.

Atreus Accountants has extensive experience in this sector, serving a diverse range of clients from coffee shops to restaurants and bars. Our team of expert advisors understands the unique challenges you may face and is here to help you navigate them.

Whether you are a new startup aiming for growth or an established business seeking investment to expand, we possess the expertise needed to help your business succeed and gain a competitive advantage.


How we helped out client…

Pre Covid a new client came to us dissatisfied with the service they were getting from their previous accountant and the advice they were receiving, they were stagnating. Then Covid hit…

We did a full business review to analyse where the business was and how aspects could be improved. We noted their Gross Profit on food and drinks were down to where we believed they should be and their wage bill was too high. We put systems in place to control these, but with Covid hitting the business plummeted as with all in the industry.

We quickly put systems in place for them to utilise the “Eat, out to help out” scheme and an online delivery service for them to gain revenue through one of the most difficult tiimes the industry has been through.

Now, the business is flourshing, hitting the Gross profit percentages we put in place, through getting better deals with their suppliers, and finding new suppliers. Staff costs are down but the service reviews have increased. All through small changes and a sold structure and processes in place.

Advice that takes your business to the next level

Get in touch to discuss how we can help you and your business