When it comes to getting Amazon transaction data into Xero, we’ve tried almost every solution on the market. A2X comes close to being an effective out-of-the-box solution but for really reliable figures, some manual intervention is still required.

When set up properly, Xero works incredibly efficiently at pulling through the data from Amazon and will give you information that you can rely on to make quick decisions about your eCommerce business. You’ll always be one step ahead of anyone who isn’t using it.

So, Here’s how we manage this process for our clients.


Collecting records

We’ll collect as much information from you as possible. Whether that’s financial records, data and balance sheets, or any invoices you may have received, we’ll collate them so they can be inputted into the software.

A2X does a great job of sorting through your data, so once it’s in the system and connected to your Amazon account, you’ll begin to see your sales and other financial data filter through.

Of course, you’ll need to get this setup, which can prove tricky if you’re unsure how. That’s why we always suggest talking to us first before you get set up on A2X – we can guide you through and help you understand what’s needed next.

Xero will take the data from A2X or other pieces of software fairly seamlessly, but it’s still worth understanding how it’s doing this.

Running off a host of connected apps, A2X partners with companies like Shopify and Amazon to allow for a seamless throughput of data.

This is what gives you real-time information about your sales, and gives you that instant ability to track every sale you’ve made from Amazon, straight into Xero.


How we’ll manage your account

We’ll make sure you have an account that is suitable on A2X, and then run through the following:

  • We’ll connect your A2X to your Amazon marketplace by selecting the option to ‘Continue with Amazon.’ This step allows A2X to pull settlements from any marketplace in one region.
  • We’ll connect Xero to Amazon seller central and select Xero as your accounting system.
  • We’ll create your account and tax mapping, so that imported information arrives coded and ready for you to moderate and customise the other options to suit your needs. You can set the accounts in the Accounts and Taxes tab in A2X.

A2X itself does have a process for creating an account, but we recommend letting us set it up for you, to make sure that nothing is missed.


Talking to you

We’ll help you understand what the software is doing, and how it’s integrating with Amazon.

Once you start pulling financial data out of the system, you’ll begin to see the true value of having instant access to your Amazon data, thus giving you a stronger foothold on the future of your eCommerce business.


Speak to an expert

Don’t worry if it still seems a bit confusing – maybe you need to see it all run in action.

If you’d like to see a demo, or just to talk things through, then get in touch with us.

We’re specialist accountants for internet traders, and you can call us on 01202  052276 or email us as info@atreusaccountants.co.uk today.